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with love

Painting The Future by Lupita A. Laksmi

I wanna share the story that I wrote and published on August 2010. This is the compilation of many short story that we wrote for finishing Graphic Design Lecture in class. The book's title is Painting The Future (in Indonesia mean : Melukis Masa Depan)and it has about 24 short story inside. My short story is about the relationship (mine)
in the past when I was 9 or 10 years old. I was met with the boy and I felt in love with him. Such a funny story maybe you guess. But the ending is what you never thought maybe.

Now, this book isn't sell outside on book stored because some issues I don't really understand. But I really hope that you read my story. It's in Indonesian language so just email me when you really wanna read the English one.

In English, the title of my story is Remembering Somebody. Which is in Indonesian it means Mengenang Seseorang. I really appreciate people who buy this book for once. I know we have a lot of lack here and there in the book. But I guess just read and knowing how it feels makes us as the writer proud to be a writer. Someday, I hope I can write mine also. Just stay tune and waits my announcement. I hope it wont take too long. Keep writing you guys! ^^

"Tugas hidup bukanlah sekedar mengejar kesenangan semata. Tapi lebih dari itu harus pula bermakna. Sebagian orang memandang kehidupan tak adil dan terus menerus berkeluh kesah, sebagian yang lain belajar, menghayati, dan meresapi setiap bagian, kekurangan, serta segala misterinya..."

This book contain the inspiring story and meaningful from the talented young writer with their treasure heart from learning, doing, and understanding the meaning of life.

Heart conflict, loosing someone that really loved, religious experience, till the absurd thing, are the story theme which is appointed in this book.

Publisher : Digreat Publishing
Address : Jln. Kumbang No. 14 Bogor
ISBN : 978-602-96680-2-5

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