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Test, A Journey of Life

Talking bout test, does anyone ever life without it? Can't anybody live just be happy and nothing we should do bout test?

I guess test is one of our journey to being mature. As anyone knows that when we upgrade or level or grade in school. Now even we old and
don't need that kind of stuff again in our age, but test is keep coming in our life. Ask why? The reason is simple. While our life is flat and we don't have anything much to do, we keep everything slow and as usual. Are you satisfied being like that? Are those who live their life like that is never know how to feel furious, how to feel nervous, and they just have to feel mellow and nothing more.

Do you wanna life like that? So, I guess the reason is no. Then think about nothing upgrade in your life. Your brain, your skill, your ability, then how will you get anything if you dont have anything? I'm right, right? :D

So, test is just common things we have to do in our life. Like now, in my 20 years old of life, I got to be sure I will pass this one. I got my competence test just in case I wanna go work practice in some company. It's the hardest thing of test in my life because I have to remind all what my lecturer said from first semester to this end semester. Omg! My head is gonna blow up. :(

But once again I have to do this. Because you what? This is how the way things are. Just keep spirit!

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